Monday, March 22, 2010


The other day when I went grocery shopping, I ran into a Mexican friend. It really reinforced the idea that I need more interaction with native Spanish speakers because it's much easier to learn correct speech this way. I know a lot in my head, but I forget it when I have to speak. For instance, this guy asks me what I'm doing.

I know that to say, "I'm going shopping" (What does it look like I'm doing? I'm at Publix. Anyway...) you use some form of the verb ir + comprar. But I forgot the "de". I would say "Voy de compras." Or, me voy de compras. I really would like to get to the point in which I could just say what I am doing when someone asks me in Spanish! But now, (at least when someone asks me at the grocery store) I've got it!

Also, we got into a short conversation about Spanish movies. I told him about Pan's Labyrinth which he has not seen, and I wanted to say, "Next time (I see you), I will ask you about it." I think I said something like, "El proximo vez, lo te preguntará." (which took me like, two whole minutes to spit out)

It was very nice to get instant correction! I should have said (correct if I'm wrong): "La proxima vez que te veo, te lo preguntará." or maybe better: "La próxima vez que te veo, te preguntará sobre (o acerca de) ella (la película).

The instant feedback is so helpful to learning to speak (vs. learning to read).


  1. Hola Jen,
    ¡Me encanta tu blog!Es verdad. Es muy difícil aprender a HABLAR. El proceso de hablar es muy lento porque necesitas hacer muchos procesos para formar una oración. Sigue practicando. Poco a poco te vas a mejorar. :)

    Visita: Es un sitio excelente para escuchar el español nativo. También puedes poner "podcasts" en tu Ipod. :)

    Katrina McDonald

  2. Había pensado que tenía algo mal entre mi mente y mi lengua. Porque, yo escucho y entiendo; yo leo y entiendo, y a veces escribo, y hago sentido. Pero cuando hablo, yo no haga sentido! Si, necesito practicar. Visité la pagina web que recomendaste esta mañana. Muy buena, gracias!

  3. Y tambien sueñan MUY Español (de España) en ese sitio. Es distinto para mi.
