Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Breve escala

I visited the Destinos website today, and all of the sudden (de repente), I find that they've improved it! They've added closed captioning, and the video quality is wildly improved. I clicked on the video where Raquel goes to Argentina (the first Argentine video), and came across the phrase "breve escala". The term was used when describing Raquel's flight from Spain to Argentina. So, I put the phrase in the translator at Spanishdict.com to find out what it means. Only I typed it, "breva escala" which means "fig scale". What? Why are they talking about fig scale? Did Raquel eat a bad meal on the plane or something? Then it dawned on me. Check the spelling. So, "Breve escala" with an "e" on the end of "Brev" means "short stop". Like, a brief layover on a flight! What a difference a letter can make.

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