Saturday, December 18, 2010

¿Cuanto le debo?

Sometimes I bite off more than I can chew when I study Spanish. It can be a good idea when you're learning something to do it that way, just dive in and get on with it. But there is also a time for breaking it down and practicing, and that is best done one bite at a time.

Watching some Destinos today (it's amazing how much more I understand after a year), and I heard Arturo use the phrase "¿Cuanto le debo?" which means "How much do I owe you?" I am going to try to remember that whenever I'm somewhere and about to pay for something. At least in my mind, I need to say "¿Cuanto le debo?" even if it is English that comes out of my mouth. So that is the homework I am giving myself. Hopefully I can remember! Espero que pueda recordar. Vamos a ver.

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